金刺敬大 Keita Kanazashi
He started to play Taiko at local Tokyo festivals when he was 11 years old. In 2001, he formed with his two younger brothers HA・YA・TO, three brothers Taiko unit. Since then not only as a group but also as a solo, he’s built his career up as a Taiko artist and has expanded his activities abroad.
Keita’s style of performance, mixed with elements of Kendo, Japanese dance and Kabuki-bayashi is praised as a high balanced fusion of daintiness, sensitiveness and dynamism with strong passion, or even elegance.
また2020年開催予定の東京オリンピック・パラリンピックに向けたイベント「para Fes 2016」(国立代々木第一体育館)での演奏、テレビ番組や演劇作品における和太鼓音楽の指導・作曲や劇中音楽の演奏を始め、最近では『東京2020 OMEGA COUNTDOWN CLOCK』などのイベントやセレモニーでのパフォーマンス・プロデュース依頼も増えている。
As a Taiko artist, he has worked with Japanese representative idol-group or artists. Regardless of Japanese traditional music or Western music, he collaborates with any type of musicians.
Recently he’s been offered the job as an art director or a performer for events relates to Rugby World Cup 2019 or Tokyo 2020 such as “Tokyo 2020 OMEGA COUNTDOWN CLOCK” (Event for Tokyo 2020 Olympic / Paralympic which was taken place in 2019 at Tokyo Station Marunouchi plaza)
Additionally, he produces New-style Japanese Musical Entertainment Fess, called “Ore-Fes”, for gathering people who are involved in these industries and giving opportunities to the people who are interested in Japanese entertainment. He puts his lots of energy into spreading Taiko and other Japanese traditional instruments (culture) to Japan and abroad.
He took Japanese dance lessons from Eisuke Hanayagi, and Kabuki-bayashi lessons from Tazaemon Mochiduki who are the head of Mochiduki-style. Also he has an experience of Japanese martial art Kendo. His performance, mixed with all those elements is praised as a high balanced fusion of daintiness, sensitiveness and dynamism with strong passion. It is said that it’s even like dancing not just playing. His expression gives a strong impression and excitement to the audience at home and abroad.
His activities is not only in Japan but also in many countries such as Europe, Asia, North America, Central America or Africa. He produces events, tours or giving workshops all around those countries.
Especially he got many opportunities for performances in Africa such as the Republic of Senegal, the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Republic of Sudan, the Republic of Angola, the Republic of Mozambique, the Republic of Malawi,the Republic of Tunisia.
Keita’s lifework “work for SPAIN”
2018年秋には、集大成として、【は・や・と】メンバーを含む7名の和太鼓奏者と津軽三味線、舞のメンバーでオリジナルチーム「HA・YA・TO project Drum Masters 2018」を結成し、スペイン国内6都市12箇所を回るツアーを達成。のべ6,000人を導入し大成功をおさめている。
Since 2012 he has been visited Spain several times every year privately, and communicate with people who live/work in Spain for making the wide and strong relationship to get opportunities for spreading Taiko culture. He produced cultural / musical event in Madrid or the other areas, opened Taiko classes for both Japanese in Spain and Spanish. He has many students in there and even some of them started their own classes as a teacher.
In 2018 Autumn, Keita got an opportunity for touring all around Spain. He produced and directed this tour, and created original unit “HA・YA・TO project Drum Masters 2018” with 7 Taiko artists, Tsugaru-Shamisen artist and Japanese legendary dance-taiko woman, Chieko Kojima including his two brothers ( Ryota Kanazashi and Yuta Kanazashi)
The tour succeeded in 6 cities 12 performances with over 6,000 spectators in total.
→ぼうけんのしょ へ